Ctrl-P: Control Pressure (latest)
By Clark Teeple
A custom pneumatic control system featuring smooth control of pressure at a high bandwidth.
This work was done as part of a research project at the Harvard Microrobotics Lab. Our goal was to build a system capable of smooth control of pressure to drive our custom soft robotic hands.
Publications using this system:
“SoMoGym: A toolkit for developing and evaluating controllers and reinforcement learning algorithms for soft robots,” M.A. Graule, T.P. McCarthy, C.B. Teeple, J. Werfel, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022
“Controlling Palm-Object Interactions via Friction for Enhanced In-Hand Manipulation,” C.B. Teeple, B. Aktas, M.C. Yuen, G.R. Kim, R.D. Howe, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022
“Digit Arrangement for Soft Robotic Hands: Enhancing Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation,” C.B. Teeple, R.C. St. Louis, M.A. Graule, and R.J. Wood, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021
“An Active Palm Enhances Dexterity for Soft Robotic In-Hand Manipulation,” C.B. Teeple, G.R. Kim, M.A. Graule, and R.J. Wood, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021
“A Dexterous Soft Robotic Hand for Delicate In-Hand Manipulation,” S. Abondance, C.B. Teeple, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020
“Multi-Segment Soft Robotic Fingers Enable Robust Precision Grasping,” C.B. Teeple, T.N. Koutros, M.A. Graule, and R.J. Wood, International Journal of Robotics Research, 2020
“Ultragentle Manipulation of Delicate Structures using a Soft Robotic Gripper,” N.R. Sinatra, C.B. Teeple, D.M. Vogt, K.K. Parker, D.F. Gruber, and R.J. Wood, Science Robotics, 2019 (uses a version modified for use with water pressure)